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Call Centers in the Spotlight

How much does call center performance influence Star Ratings for a Medicare Advantage plan? Consider the recent news about four insurers that stood to lose huge amounts of bonus payments — $1.4 billion in one instance— due to lower Star Ratings related to their call centers.

Specifically, CMS alleged instances of failure to meet service criteria for “secret shopper” calls involving foreign language interpreters or TTY (message relay center for individuals with impaired hearing). All four insurers disputed the CMS findings and sued to recoup their bonus payments.

Regardless of how these cases were, or are in the process of being, resolved, one thing is clear: CMS places a high priority on timely, problem-free call center interactions with health plan members. Moreover, in its calculation of Star Ratings, CMS examines many facets of a call center’s performance — right down to seemingly minor details.

This scrutiny exposes the potential vulnerabilities of call center operations, along with the major financial repercussions for health plans, whether it’s the loss of bonus payments or an erosion of membership due to negative publicity.

Protecting Star Ratings and Bonus Payments

The lawsuits against CMS reveal details that should cause health plan leaders to examine their third-party benefit administrators’ call centers — which must meet the same requirements as health plan call centers. This includes:

  • TTY calls — Call centers must answer 80% of incoming calls within 30 seconds, provide TTY service within seven minutes of call initiation, limit average hold time to no longer than two minutes, and limit the disconnect rate of incoming calls to no more than 5%.
  • Language interpreter calls — For non-English-speaking and limited English-proficient (LEP) individuals, call centers must provide interpreters for 80% of all calls within eight minutes of reaching the customer service representative.

How does Amplifon Hearing Health Care, a third-party administrator of hearing benefits, measure up to these requirements?

The Amplifon call center consistently exceeds CMS requirements, reflecting our commitment to exceptional service. Year-to-date metrics through October 2024 reflect this performance: We answered 86% of incoming calls in less than 30 seconds, the average caller wait time was just 16 seconds, and the call abandonment rate remained low at 2.25%.

These metrics include TTY and language interpreter calls — which is no accident, given our intensive focus on both areas. For TTY calls, we use a nationwide telecommunications relay service (TRS) that complies with CMS requirements and is available to consumers at no charge.  To accommodate non-English-speaking and LEP callers, our call center team includes several individuals who speak Spanish, our most commonly requested foreign language, and we contract with a vendor to provide interpretation for other languages, all within the CMS timeframe.

Going Above and Beyond CMS Requirements

Of course, Medicare Advantage Star Ratings depend on many factors beyond CMS technical requirements for call centers. This includes the overall member experience with the health plan and, by extension, with the providers of their ancillary benefits.


At Amplifon Hearing Health Care, we view our call center as a core component of the member experience. Following are key elements of our call center performance that help ensure high member satisfaction:


Hearing specialization

Unlike administrators that handle multiple types of benefits, Amplifon Patient Care Advocates focus solely on, and are trained in, many aspects of hearing care and hearing benefits. In addition, they meet regularly with an Amplifon staff audiologist who can answer questions and provide updates on the latest trends in hearing care and hearing aids.

More effective member engagement

Specialization in hearing, coupled with training in behavioral science and evidence-based techniques, enable our Patient Care Advocates to have dialogues that motivate members to act on their hearing loss.

More time devoted to calls

We spend an average of more than 10 minutes on each call – 3x longer than general health care calls¹; this gives our highly trained team more time to walk members through their hearing care journey and to answer their questions.

Proactive support and aftercare

We reach out to members throughout their hearing care journey, helping them adjust to life with hearing aids. Services include on-demand virtual visits for wearers of Amplifon hearing aids, as well as personalized coaching and aftercare support.

Proof Our Approach Is Working

Our innovative approach to call center interactions, coupled with data insights into our member population, drives better outcomes for health plan members. This is demonstrated in metrics we’ve documented over the past two years:

  • A 10% increase in members calling to schedule a visit with a hearing care provider
  • A 10% increase in members showing up for their appointment
  • A 20% increase in hearing aid purchases

Our overall focus on delivering a great member experience also is reflected in our CAHPS scores, which exceed even those of many five-star health plans.

Finally, the Amplifon call center has received a Call Center Certificate of Effectiveness from BenchmarkPortal, based on validated and audited data pertaining to customer service quality, efficiency, and the ability to meet or exceed industry standards. Specifically, our top-box satisfaction score is 12 percentage points higher than health insurance benchmarks, and our inbound call transfer rate of less than 1% compares to a 5.8% industry benchmark.

With so much at stake — Star Ratings, bonus payments, and of course member satisfaction — it’s imperative to choose a hearing care partner that makes member experience, including call center performance, a top priority. Get in touch with Amplifon to learn how our call center and our overall “white glove” service can help you elevate your Medicare Advantage plan and strengthen your commitment to your members.

White Glove Service

Get in touch with Amplifon to learn how our call center and our overall “white glove” service can help you elevate your Medicare Advantage plan and strengthen your commitment to your members.

¹Average talk time in healthcare industry, 2021 Talkdesk global contact center KPI benchmarking report

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