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Amplifon Hearing Health Care

connects health plans and other organiza

We connect health plans and organizations with their members through quality care, superior products and an exceptional service experience.

Need help with your hearing aids?

Request an appointment at a clinic near you.

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* Based on Amplifon Hearing Health Care average member savings data for 2020. Pricing valid only at participating, in-network locations. 
* Based on Amplifon Hearing Health Care average member savings data for 2020. Pricing valid only at participating, in-network locations. 

How to make your hearing aids last longer

How are new hearing aids like a new car? Getting 100,000 miles or more out of a car requires regular maintenance, including oil changes, tire rotations and engine tune-ups. Likewise, if you want years of listening enjoyment, you need to practice good hearing aid hygiene.

Just as cars need to weather the elements, hearing aids and their advanced electronics must withstand exposure to earwax, moisture, dust, temperature fluctuations and repeated handling.

Maximize the life of your hearing aids in 8 steps

  1. Clean the instruments on a daily basis, using a soft cloth, tissue or special hearing aid brush. Follow the instructions provided by your hearing healthcare professional for your type of hearing aid.

  2. Dehumidify the aids overnight by placing them in a dryer jar or electronic dehumidifier.

  3. Remove earwax with a wax loop, pick or brush, as instructed by your provider. Periodically change the wax filter or wax guard, if applicable.

  4. Open the battery door when not in use, and remove the batteries at night.

  5. Replace earmolds when worn out (applies to behind-the-ear or receiver-in-canal aids).

  6. Protect the aids from the elements, including precipitation and extreme heat or cold.

  7. Take the hearing aids out of your ears while showering, washing your face, shaving or using hair care products.

  8. Handle the aids with care — avoid dropping, and keep them out of the reach of children or pets.

In the video below, Amplifon Hearing Health Care audiologist, Carrie Meyer, Au.D., shows you how to properly care for your hearing aids.

Hearing aids not working like they used to? Schedule an appointment