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We’ve all been there—an unexpected pimple pops up in a sensitive spot, like inside or right outside your ear. More often than not, it’s a minor issue, but it can be surprisingly uncomfortable or even painful. Luckily, there are prevention methods you can take to reduce the chances of these nuisances, including good ear hygiene.

In this article, we’ll talk about:

  • What causes pimples in different parts of the ear
  • Proper care for your ears
  • How to pop a pimple in your ear
  • How to get rid of a pimple in your ear overnight
  • When to see a professional

Why Do I Have a Pimple in My Ear?

The skin inside and around your ears has sebaceous glands that produce oil to keep your skin moisturized. However, when these glands overproduce oil, dirt, sweat or bacteria build up, pores can get clogged, leading to pimples. Common culprits of clogged pores include:

  • Excess Oil Production. Hormonal changes or natural skin tendencies may cause oily buildup.
  • Poor Ear Hygiene. Leaving wax or sweat to accumulate in your ears can clog pores.
  • Irritation from Hair Products. Gels, sprays, or shampoos can transfer residue into your ears.
  • Dirty Devices. Not cleaning your headphones, earbuds or smartphones regularly can transfer bacteria to your skin. This also applies to hearing aids; learn how to properly clean your hearing aids to avoid acne around the ears.

Now, how we treat or prevent a pimple from happening can change based on where it is located. Let’s look at a few common examples. 

Pimple Inside Ear

Why It Happens: Pimples inside the ear can happen for several reasons, but most of them are caused by some sort of buildup or hygiene issue.

  • Clogged pores—Accumulation of sebum and dead skin cells in the ear canal.
  • Earwax buildup—Trapped dirt and bacteria can lead to inflammation.
  • Dirty earbuds or headphones—Introducing bacteria into the ear.
  • Hormonal changes—Trigger increased oil production.
  • Scratching—Using fingernails, cotton swabs, or other objects can irritate the skin.

How You Can Prevent It: Clean your headphones regularly, avoid inserting objects into your ears, and gently clean your ears with a damp cloth.

Pimple on Ear (Outer Ear)

Why It Happens: There are several reasons a pimple on the ear might form since that area is more exposed than the inside of your ear. Causes include:

  • Oily skin—Like any other body part, the outer ear can develop acne.
  • Hair products—Residue from shampoo, conditioner, or styling products.
  • Touching the ears—Transferring bacteria from hands to ears.
  • Sun exposure—Can irritate the skin, making it more prone to acne.

How You Can Prevent It: Wash the ears during your skincare routine and avoid touching them unnecessarily.

Pimple on Ear Cartilage

Why It Happens: Pimples that form on your ear cartilage often have a slightly different cause than pimples inside your ear. Causes include:

  • Piercings—Improperly cleaned or healing piercings can lead to bumps or infections.
  • Friction—From helmets, hats, or headphones.
  • Pressure sores—Caused by sleeping on one side for prolonged periods.
  • Bacterial infection—Cartilage is more prone to infection due to limited blood flow.

How You Can Prevent It: Always keep piercings clean. You can also avoid tight-fitting helmets or hats. 

Pimple Behind Ear

Why It Happens: Pimples behind the ear are often the result of dirt or sweat but can be related to several other issues as well. Such as:

  • Poor hygiene—Dirt and oil can accumulate in the less-visible area.
  • Sweat and friction—From glasses, masks, or helmets.
  • Skin conditions— Such as seborrheic dermatitis or folliculitis.
  • Allergic reaction—To shampoos, detergents, or jewelry.

How You Can Prevent It: Regularly wash the area, keep accessories clean, and stop using products if you notice an allergic reaction.  

Blackheads in Ear

Why It Happens: Blackheads in your ears are caused by the buildup of oil or bacteria in your ears, but the reasons for that build up can vary. Reasons include:

  • Excess Oil (Sebum) Production—Skin in and around the ears produces sebum, which can mix with dead skin cells and block pores.
  • Hormonal changes—Puberty, menstruation, or stress can increase oil production.
  • Poor Hygiene—Irregular cleaning of the ears can lead to a buildup of oil, dirt, and dead skin.
  • Sweat and Humidity—Moisture from sweating (e.g., after workouts or during hot weather) can mix with sebum and clog pores. Tight hats, earmuffs, or headphones can trap sweat around the ear.
  • Genetics—Some people are more prone to blackheads due to genetic factors that influence oil production and skin type.
  • Overuse of Ear Products—Heavy use of earplugs or in-ear headphones can create a moist, occluded environment, encouraging pore clogging.

How You Can Prevent It

  • During your skincare routine, gently wash your ears with a mild cleanser.
  • Use non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) hair and skincare products.
  • Gently pat your ears dry after showering or sweating. 

How to Care for Your Ears

The good news is regularly caring for your ears can reduce your risk of developing pimples. Here are some tips to keep your ears healthy:

1. Practice Good Ear Hygiene

Gently clean your ears with a damp washcloth. Avoid using cotton swabs deep inside the ear, which can push wax further in or irritate the skin. Pat gently to dry to avoid irritating the skin! 

2. Keep Your Devices Clean

Clean your hearing aids, smartphone, earbuds or headphones regularly with a soft, dry cloth.  Avoid sharing earbuds with others to reduce the risk of bacteria transfer.

3. Watch How You Use Hair and Skincare Products

Shield your ears when applying hairspray or moisturizer to help avoid residue buildup.

4. Be Gentle With Your Ears

Over-cleaning or harsh scrubbing can irritate the skin and stimulate excess oil production. Always be gentle when caring for your ears. 

How to Pop a Pimple in Your Ear (Hint: Don’t Do It)

If you notice a pimple in your ear, resist the urge to pop it. Doing so can lead to further irritation, infection, or scarring. Instead, apply a warm compress to the area to reduce swelling and discomfort. The warm compress will then help open your pores up and soften the skin, allowing the cause of the pimple to escape.

How to Get Rid of a Pimple in Your Ear Overnight

Getting rid of a pimple in your ear overnight is challenging, but you can reduce its size and discomfort by following these steps:

1. Clean the Area

Gently wash the ear with warm water and a mild cleanser to remove oil, dirt, and bacteria. Avoid over-scrubbing, as this can irritate the pimple further.

2. Apply a Warm Compress

Soak a clean washcloth in warm water, wring out the excess, and press it gently against the pimple for 10–15 minutes.

3. Use a Spot Treatment (Outside of Ear Only!)

  • Depending on where the pimple is, apply a small amount of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid directly to the pimple using a cotton swab. These treatments help dry out the pimple and reduce inflammation.
  • Be careful not to get the product inside the ear canal.

4. Avoid Touching or Popping It

Refrain from squeezing or popping the pimple. This can push bacteria deeper, delay healing, and increase the risk of infection.

5. Over-the-Counter Hydrocortisone (Optional)

If the pimple is very inflamed, a small amount of 1% hydrocortisone cream can help reduce redness and swelling. Be careful not to get the cream inside your ear.

While it is difficult to eliminate a pimple overnight, these steps can help reduce its size and make it less noticeable by morning.

Your Ear Health Matters

Remember, our ears are sensitive and deserve care and attention. By practicing good hygiene and avoiding irritants, you can keep them healthy and comfortable.

Our team of hearing care experts are passionate about helping you maintain optimal ear health, whether it’s addressing early hearing loss early or understanding how hearing insurance needs can change over time. From first appointment to ongoing visits, Amplifon Hearing Health Care offers insurance coverage that puts you in the center.

Learn more about our program and why it’s different from anything else out there. 

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Should I See a Professional?

While most ear pimples resolve on their own, some may become infected or cause significant pain. If the pimple is large, extremely painful, or shows signs of infection (e.g., warmth, pus, spreading redness), consult a healthcare provider for possible treatment.

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