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Living with Hearing Aids

Get the most out of your hearing aids

Today's hearing aids are smarter and more advanced than ever. Hearing aids today are advanced with extended connectivity to everyday electronics, such as alarm clocks and doorbells, and phones and TV; modern hearing aids make living more comfortable than ever before. Find out what you can expect as you adjust to wearing hearing aids in your everyday life. 

Adapting to your hearing aids

Hearing aids, regardless of style or technology, can never replace normal hearing in all listening environments. Expecting unrealistic results when wearing hearing aids will only lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. Here are some guidelines that will help set realistic expectations and allow you to be free to enjoy the benefits that hearing aids can bring to your life.

What to expect while adapting to your hearing aids

  1. The extent your hearing loss can be helped by hearing aids is based on the severity of your hearing loss. Your provider will communicate the expectation during your hearing exam.
  2. The more severe your hearing loss is, the more advanced and powerful the hearing aid must be to help your hearing.
  3. In quiet environments, hearing aid users can often achieve a performance level close to or equal to normal hearing. However, as the listening environment becomes more complex, the gap between a person with normal hearing and hearing loss widens.
  4. Noisy social settings, like restaurants, are difficult for even those with normal hearing. As hearing loss progresses, it becomes more difficult for hearing aids to assist in these types of situations.
  5. Hearing aids should prevent ambient loud sounds from becoming too loud and uncomfortable.
  6. Depending on the degree and type of hearing loss, hearing aids may improve your ability to understand speech more clearly in noisy situations.
  7. If your hearing aids are programmed properly, you should be able to hear everyday sounds that you may not have realized you were missing, like rain on the window or your dog’s nails clicking on the floor when they walk.
  8. You’ll need time to get used to your new hearing aids and learn how to achieve optimal performance with them. You should expect to see your hearing care professional a few times after your initial appointment to tweak the programming and get it just right.

Hearing aids care and maintenance

Investing in hearing aids is an amazing and commendable step towards taking charge of your hearing health care. However, it shouldn't stop there. You can do many things to get the most out of your new hearing devices, including properly caring for them and seeing your hearing care professional for routine hearing aid cleaning and hearing aid maintenance. Also, it may seem obvious, but make sure you're actually wearing your hearing aids for all of your favorite activities!

Hearing aids lifespan

When picking a hearing aid, you should discuss the life expectancy of each pair of hearing aids because it may vary. Most modern high-quality hearing aids lifespan is on average between three and seven years. However, people should keep in mind that two people can buy exactly the same hearing aids and have them last vastly different amounts of time, depending on how they're used and maintained. 

Rechargeable hearing aid batteries

Rechargeable hearing aid batteries are becoming more and more common due to their convenience. Lithium-ion technology allows you the freedom to make the most of your day. Rechargeable hearing aids are:

  • Simple & hassle-free: no batteries to change and fully rechargeable
  • Portable: small and lightweight chargers
  • Long-lasting: some offering a day's worth of basic use on a single charge

Disposable hearing aid batteries

Disposable zinc-air batteries come in 4 sizes and are color-coded to help you remember the right size for your hearing aid. The batteries are air-activated, which means they do not begin working until the colored tab is removed and air can enter the battery cell. Therefore, remove and discard the tab only when you are ready to use the battery. There is no need to place the tab back on the battery.

  • Size 10 batteries have a yellow tab.
  • Size 13 batteries have an orange tab.
  • Size 312 batteries have a brown tab.
  • Size 675 batteries have a blue tab.

Hearing aids FAQ

Can you wear glasses with hearing aids?

Yes! You can wear glasses with hearing aids. Your hearing specialist can help you find the most comfortable way for you to wear your hearing aids and glasses. 

Can you fly with hearing aids?

Yes! We recommend planning before your flight; here is our easy checklist:

  • Plan arrangements in advance: Planning travel arrangements in advance will help you avoid any potential hiccups later.
  • Book online: If possible, try to complete bookings online. This includes prices, dates, and your actual reservations. Having your information in writing will make it easier to show people your travel info is correct.
  • Pack accordingly: Take any necessary equipment with you. This includes packing extra batteries and bringing the right cleaning supplies for your hearing aids. Also, be sure to pack all your hearing-related items in your carry-on luggage, as this will help minimize your risk of loss.
  • Have your hearing aids checked beforehand: Before leaving on any trip, ensure your hearing aids are working properly by having them checked by a hearing care provider. 

Can you swim with hearing aids?

As with most electronic technology, it’s best to keep your hearing aids as dry as possible, so you should remember to remove them before swimming or taking a shower. Thankfully, most modern hearing aids are moisture-resistant, which means that sweating during a heavy workout or taking a walk through a light rain isn't an issue that will require any intervention on your part. 

Can you sleep with your hearing aids in?

It is not recommended to sleep with your hearing aids. Falling asleep with your hearing aids can shorten the battery life, and they may fall out while you’re sleeping. 

Can I wear headphones with hearing aids?

Yes, you can wear headphones with hearing aids! However, it may take a little bit of experimentation to figure out which headphones are most comfortable with your hearing aids.

Can I listen to music with hearing aids?

Yes! Most modern hearing aids have Bluetooth capability so you can stream your music directly to your hearing aids!

Can hearing aids cause headache?

For those who are new to wearing hearing aids—or have just started wearing a new style of hearing aids—it is not uncommon to experience mild headaches for a few days. These headaches will often feel more like you are congested, but they should go away once you adjust to your hearing aids.

Can hearing aids cause ear infections?

Hearing aids do not directly result in getting an ear infection. However, if you wear hearing aids and don’t clean them regularly, you are more likely to get an infection. Therefore, it is important to follow the maintenance plan for your hearing aids.
A couple talking with an Amplifon hearing professional at an Amplifon center

Hearing aid batteries

Many of our hearing aids require batteries to power your hearing. Therefore, having batteries on hand is an essential part of regularly taking care of your hearing aids.

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