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Thought Leadership

Trusted insights and information to support your decision-making

Whether you have questions, or you need reliable, in-depth information about a topic related to hearing benefits, you’ve come to the right place. As the nation’s leading independent hearing benefits company, Amplifon Hearing Health Care invites you to tap into our extensive knowledge base: resources designed to inform, enlighten and guide you in your decision-making.

Hearing & Whole Person Health

woman with hearing aid using Amplifon app

Hearing health innovation

Amplifon hearing aids and app

2 minutes

Health plans are constantly striving to deliver an exceptional member experience. At Amplifon, that’s our goal, too — which is why we offer a superior hearing benefit, now complemented by Amplifon hearing aids and the Amplifon app. Learn about the various ways this unique integrated hearing solution takes the member experience to an even higher level, sharpening the competitive edge for health plans.
Thomas Tedeschi

Whole person health

Hearing is key to overall health

3 minutes

Thomas Tedeschi, Au.D., our Chief of Audiology, explains how Amplifon is streamlining access to hearing health care, contributing to optimal overall health.

White papers, insights and analysis


More Choices, Better Outcomes

More Choices, Better Outcomes

Discover what consumers and hearing care providers are saying about the importance of extensive product choice within a health plan’s hearing benefit in our white paper.

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The Mighty Hearing Benefit

The Mighty Hearing Benefit

Download our white paper that explains how the right hearing benefit can contribute to improved member health, lower health plan costs and a robust ROI.

Filetype: PDF Size: 4.32 mb
Medicare Advantage Plans: Demand More

Medicare Advantage Plans: Demand More

Learn about the 10 ways Amplifon delivers a superior hearing benefit and exceptional member experience.

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Beyond a ‘Check-The-Box’ Hearing Benefit

Beyond a ‘Check-The-Box’ Hearing Benefit

Find out how Amplifon can transform your hearing benefit into a real differentiator for your health plan.

Filetype: PDF Size: 0.54 mb
What’s Missing from our Conversations?

What’s Missing from our Conversations?

Learn why conversations about healthy living must include hearing health.

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The OTC Approach to Hearing Health Care

The OTC Approach to Hearing Health Care

This special report examines results from a study comparing over-the-counter devices to hearing aids.

Filetype: PDF Size: 1.37 mb

On-demand webinars


call center agent smiling on the phone
Crafting Exceptional Member Experiences to Empower Whole Person Health

Learn from Amplifon Hearing Health Care experts how a high-quality hearing benefit can reduce payouts for medical care while elevating the member experience.

Watch now
Person holding hearing aid next to another hearing aid on table
OTC hearing aids: A new era for health plan hearing benefits

Amplifon experts shed light on key decisions, from the pros and cons of making OTC hearing aids available to your members, to best practices in designing and delivering an OTC hearing benefit.

Watch now
A senior couple searching for information on their computer
Hearing Benefits Blog

Check out our blog, where you can keep up with the latest developments and insights related to hearing health care and hearing benefits. 

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In the News

Amplifon Achieves HITRUST r2 Certification

Amplifon Hearing Health Care has achieved HITRUST r2 Certification, underscoring its commitment to data protection and information security standards. This accomplishment places Amplifon among an elite group of organizations worldwide that have earned this certification.

Amplifon Launches Hearing Aids & App

The new innovations are designed to achieve more health plan savings and improved star ratings through increased hearing aid use. The new Amplifon app is designed to benefit health plans and reduce medical expenses related to untreated hearing loss.

New Research Shows Consumers Value Product Choice

Two new nationwide surveys, conducted by Amplifon Hearing Health Care, show the importance of provider recommendations and access to options on consumer experience.

Amplifon introduces virtual hearing care program

Innovative virtual solution designed to increase access to care, hearing aid use, patient convenience and health plan savings.

Amplifon earns NCQA accreditation

This achievement demonstrates a strong commitment to the highest standards in hearing health care.

Carrie Meyer, Au.D., joins Amplifon team

Get to know Dr. Carrie Meyer, our Director of Clinical Programs.

Better Hearing and Speech Month

Learn about Amplifon’s efforts to encourage individuals to get their hearing checked during May.

Amplifon's cool office

Get a glimpse inside Amplifon’s corporate offices, featured in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal’s Cool Offices series.

Amplifon on the move

Why did Amplifon Hearing Health Care headquarters move to downtown Minneapolis? Get the scoop here.
A woman on the phone checks some documents

Talk to an expert

Get in touch with an Amplifon hearing benefit expert to find out how the right hearing benefit can make a difference for your members and your organization.

Good hearing matters

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Online hearing quiz

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At one of our 7,000+ in-network providers

Trusted, quality network