Below you will find the information needed to become an Amplifon Hearing Health Care provider, from the new business application to policies and procedures.
Getting Started
Our comprehensive code of ethics
Amplifon's Anticorruption Policy
The purpose of this policy is to document a provider’s rights when applying for participation or continued participation in the Amplifon Hearing Health Care (AHHC) network.
How to prevent, detect, and correct noncompliance and fraud, waste and abuse.
Methods through which potential issues can be reported to the compliance department.
How to develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
How to appropriately use PHI within the course of your work.
Attestation of offshore subcontractor protection of PHI.
Amplifon offers a training course that satisfies both the Compliance and Fraud, Waste & Abuse (FWA) portion of the requirement.
Practice-related forms can now be found and completed online. These forms include: