Below you’ll find a list of the most frequently asked questions our team receives. From resetting your password to understanding your patients’ benefits, you can find the answers to (almost) every common question right here.
About Amplifon
Can I bill my patient’s insurance for testing under a Discount Plan?
Yes. You can bill your patient’s insurance for testing services. If the patient is responsible for a co-pay, the payment would be paid to your office.
Can I bill my patient’s insurance for hearing aids under a Discount Plan?
No. Amplifon requires payment in full when the hearing aids are ordered. Amplifon will provide your patient with a receipt which they submit to their insurance to be reimbursed for any eligible hearing benefits.
Can I bill my patient’s insurance for testing under a Funded Plan?
Payments for diagnostic testing vary based on the specific Amplifon partner and health plan. The details of the Funded Plan payment options are provided in the insurance verification section of the customer summary. These are the two most common payment options through a Funded Plan:
If testing isn’t covered under Amplifon, the patient pays the location directly for diagnostic testing services. The patient can then seek reimbursement from their health plan; or you can bill the plan directly at the insurance contracted rates, if applicable.
You submit a receipt of delivery form with documentation about the diagnostic testing services provided to Amplifon. Amplifon then bills the plan on your behalf, and reimburses you for the diagnostic testing services provided with the provider reimbursement fee.
Can I bill my patient’s insurance for hearing aids under a Funded Plan?
No. Your office does not need to bill the patient's insurance. Amplifon will bill the patient's insurance plan for the amount covered and listed on the insurance verification form. This process begins when your office returns the Receipt of Delivery form. Your patient is responsible for the balance at the time of order.
A member contacts Amplifon to access their Amplifon Program benefits as determined by Amplifon and the Plan Partner.
Patient payment will be required at the time of hearing aid order. Once the patient payment has been completed, the Amplifon Hearing Health Care Ordering Specialists will place the order directly with the manufacturer.
What do I need to do on the day of the hearing aid fitting?
On the day of the hearing aid(s) fitting, the Network Provider will generate the Receipt of Delivery Form from the AHHC Provider Portal and electronically sign it along with the member.
I forgot to take the patient's payment when ordering, when will my patient's order be placed with the manufacturer?
Once the patient payment is completed in the portal, the order will automatically be routed to our ordering team to place it with the manufacturer. If the patient's portion of the payment has not been completed, the order will not be placed.
Payments can be made in the following ways:
Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX), E-Check – CareCredit. For instructions on how to process each type of payment please refer to the provider guide
Amplifon works with CareCredit to offer a 6, 12, & 18-month interest-free option, as well as a 24, 36, or 48-month extended finance option with interest. If the patient doesn’t have a Care Credit account, please direct them to https://www.carecredit.com/ to apply prior to the fitting of the hearing aid. Please refer to our website for more details.
For additional information on how to process a CareCredit please refer to the prover manual for step by step instructions.
My patient's hearing aids are fully 100% covered by insurance, when will their order be placed?
Payment is only required prior to the hearing aids being ordered if there is a balance due from the patient. If a patient does not owe any monies towards the hearing aids, their order will be placed automatically by our ordering team.
Yes, returns and exchanges can be initiated in the Provider Portal.
**Please be aware returns and exchanges must be completed within the 60 day trial period. **
To replace a hearing aid under the loss and damage warranty, please follow the steps below. This transaction is handled directly between the patient and the provider’s office at the set deductible amount listed below. The only exception to this process is when a hearing aid is lost for a Workers’ Compensation claimant (in these instances, contact Amplifon’s Workers’ Compensation Division at 1.888.319.9206).