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Improving Member Experience with CAHPS® Survey

Last update on May 11, 2021

Improving patient outcomes and quality of care for our members

As part of this improvement plan, Amplifon has implemented a standardized survey designed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.   The CAHPS survey is used to assess how our members perceive the services provided by Amplifon and our network providers.

What is CAHPS?

Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) surveys ask consumers and patients to report on and evaluate their experiences with healthcare.
While CAHPS surveys are like patient satisfaction surveys, they are not the same.

CAHPS surveys can include ratings of health plans or providers, but they go beyond ratings by asking patients to report on their experiences with healthcare services. Care reports are regarded as more specific, actionable, understandable, and objective than general ratings alone.

Since July 2019, Amplifon has been using the CAHPS Clinician and Group Survey (CG-CAHPS) which asks patients to report on their experiences with providers and staff in primary care and specialty care settings. The CG-CAHPS survey assesses the patient experience as it relates to the accessibility of care, communication with providers, care coordination, and interactions with staff.

Specifically, the patient experience measures are:

  • Getting timely appointments, care, and information
  • How well providers communicate with patients
  • Providers’ use of information to coordinate patient care
  • Helpful, courteous, and respectful office staff
  • Rating of the provider

These measurements, which generate scores from 0 to 100, are used by Amplifon to evaluate areas where network providers are performing well and areas where there is room for improvement.

Amplifon CAHPS survey results

Amplifon providers score in the low to upper 90's for:

  • Office Staff Quality
  • Provider Communication Quality
  • Access to Care

However, Care Coordination has emerged as an area targeted for improvement with scores ranging from the low to mid 40’s. When the Care Coordination questions are investigated there are three key areas for improvement:

  1. Provider has the patient's medical records
  2. Provider knew patient's medical history
  3. Health care team discussed the patient's prescription medications

The CAHPS survey also provided an opportunity for patients to provide feedback in the form of comments. When summarized:

  • Patients do not see their hearing healthcare provider reviewing or discussing their medical history or medical records.
  • Their hearing healthcare provider has not asked about or talked about their prescription medications.

Hearing health is more than a retail transaction

Furthermore, survey comments from Amplifon members show that they view hearing healthcare visits more like a retail transaction to purchase hearing aids, rather than a healthcare visit that encompasses their overall health, lifestyle, medical history, and hearing loss. Member statements indicate that because of the focus on the device purchased rather than the care provided, members do not see their provider as part of their medical team but, unfortunately, more as a salesperson or technician.  

Taking action to improve member experience

To improve member understanding, Amplifon is posting information on the Amplifon member blog, sending information in introduction mailings and referral packages aimed at educating members on the impacts of hearing loss on whole-person health. Member education includes information on hearing loss, falls, depression, dementia, and the need for complete health history. To support our providers, in 2021 Amplifon is rolling out a health history form for use by both patients and providers to simplify and expedite the patient visit and encourage both providers and patients to explore their health history more completely.

As a credentialed Amplifon provider, you are the key to optimal patient outcomes. Amplifon strives to assist you with administrative support, qualified referrals, verification of member benefits, and member education programs. Using CAHPS survey data, we are working to improve the patient experience in care coordination – specifically medical history and review of prescription medications.

man hearing

Get in touch with Amplifon

Amplifon wants to collaborate with all our providers to use real-world experience to enhance our support. Do you have a health history protocol that has been effective? Do you find that sending information to patients before their first visit helps improve their experience with your practice? Do you have suggestions or recommendations to help improve care coordination for Amplifon members?

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